Interceptor 007

Ballona Creek is situated in Los Angeles County, flowing out into the Pacific Ocean next to Venice Beach. Although this creek is just outside the list of the 1000 most polluting rivers globally, it is still a river with a significant amount of trash flowing into the ocean. According to our research, it is estimated to emit around 28,800 lbs of plastic per year (Source: Department of Public Works), mainly between October and April. L.A. County has good waste management, but with 20 million people living in the area, trash does accumulate in waterways, flushing out when it rains, making the pollution problem something the local population is acutely aware of. Together with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District ([Department of Public Works]( "")), we are working to put an Interceptor Original in place for 2 storm seasons as a pilot. If successful, the Interceptor will be gifted to our partners so it can remain in place to continue intercepting plastic before it can reach the ocean. This will be the first Interceptor Original installed in the United States, and the second of the 3rd generation Interceptor Original to be deployed globally. Watch our [live stream]( "") of it being towed to its deployment location on October 6, 2022.

5,252,937 KG

Trash removed in total

705,667 KG

Last 30 days removed

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